Dr Vijaykumar Chattu
Adjunct Research Professor
Dr. Vijay Kumar Chattu is an Adjunct Research Professor at Global Institute of Public Health from January 2019. He is currently working in the Faculty of Medicine at University of Toronto, Canada and is also the Foreign Faculty Mentor for the MHIRT program funded by the NIH, USA at University of Michigan, USA. Since 2015, he is also the Technical consultant at UNAIDS- Technical Support Facility at Johannesburg and Coordinator for Caribbean States at the World NCD Federation, Chandigarh.
Contact Address:
Dr. Vijaykumar Chattu
Adjunct Research Professor
Global Institute of Public Health, Ananthapuri Hospitals,
Trivandrum 695 024, Kerala, India
Tel: +91 - 471 - 257 99 00
Fax: +91 - 471 - 250 69 69
Email:drvkumar.ch@gmail.com, Vijay.chattu@mail.utoronto.ca
- Dr. Vijay Kumar Chattu is an Adjunct Research Professor at Global Institute of Public Health from January 2019. He is currently working in the Faculty of Medicine at University of Toronto, Canada and is also the Foreign Faculty Mentor for the MHIRT program funded by the NIH, USA at University of Michigan, USA. Since 2015, he is also the Technical consultant at UNAIDS- Technical Support Facility at Johannesburg and Coordinator for Caribbean States at the World NCD Federation, Chandigarh.
- Dr. Chattu has vast international and interdisciplinary research experience working in over 10 countries in South Asia, Middle East, North America and Caribbean region where he taught public health courses to various students with diverse backgrounds such as Medical, Dental, Veterinary, Optometry, Public Health and Applied Medical Sciences. He was a visiting scholar at University of Washington, Seattle and at University of Alberta, Canada in the recent past. He has travelled over 45 countries in the pursuit of education, work, external examiner and international assignments. Prior to joining academics, Dr. Chattu worked in India with NACO as State Epidemiologist and with FHI 360 as Senior Technical Officer at national level under the Avahan Program funded by BMGF. He has worked on numerous projects funded by USAID, DFID, World Bank and Global Fund with a focus on MCH, TB, and STIs/HIV/AIDS. He was also an Expert Roster member for Neglected Tropical Diseases at WHO-EMRO, Cairo.
- His research endeavors focus on improving the global health systems and quality of care. Currently he is working on projects related to mental health, sleep medicine and global health policies focusing on NCDs and IDs. Dr. Chattu has published over hundred papers in prestigious journals on various public health issues such as infectious diseases, NCDs, Health Policies, global health diplomacy and health security. He serves as Associate Editor for BMC Public Health and also serves on editorial board of some reputed journals.
Select Publications (2019)
- VK Chattu, Sebastian Kevany, AnnamarieBindenagelSehovic, Andy Knight. Global Health Diplomacy, Health Security, and Human Security: The Ascendancy of Enlightened Self-Interest. Journal of Education and Health Promotion.2019 DOI: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_391_18 (to be released in June).
- DivyaPillai, Shaikh Shah Hossain, VK Chattu. Developing a community based breast cancer risk prediction tool for resource-poor settings. Journal of Education and Health Promotion,2019 DOI: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_384_18 (to be released in June)
- Khanna P, Chattu VK, Aeri BT. Nutritional aspects of depression in adolescents - A systematic review. Int J Prev Med 2019;10:42
- Chattu, V.K.; Nanda, A.; Chattu, S.K.; Kadri, S.M.; Knight, A.W. The Emerging Role of Blockchain Technology Applications in Routine Disease Surveillance Systems to Strengthen Global Health Security. Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2019, 3, 25.
- Chattu VK, Chattu SK, Burman D, Spence DW, Pandi-Perumal SR. The Interlinked Rising Epidemic of Insufficient Sleep and Diabetes Mellitus. Healthcare 2019 Mar (Vol. 7, No. 1, p. 37). MDPI, Basel.
- Chattu VK, Andy Knight, Srikanth Reddy, ObijiforAginam. Global Health Diplomacy and its thumb prints on Human security. International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2019. (Accepted for publication)
- Saleem ur Rehman, Rehana Kausar, Kadri SM, Bilal Bhat, S. Najar, VK Chattu. Estimation of burden of bacteriologically positive Tuberculosis among Adults in Kashmir: A baseline for future surveys in the valley.Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2019; (to be released soon)
- Syed ManzoorKadri, Kincaid J, Linda Williams, Crandall Riley, Kausar Rehana, Hinton T, Rashid S, Chattu VK. Epidemic investigation of the largest outbreak of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) in Leh, India. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2019; (to be released soon)
- VK Chattu, Andy Knight. Health Care Diplomacy as a potentially robust medium for strengthening the nexus between Health and Peace. Peace Review 2019; 31 (2) - (Taylor and Francis)
- VK Chattu, Andy Knight (2019). Port of Spain Declaration as a successful outcome of Global Health Diplomacy in the Caribbean region. Health Promotion Perspectives 2019; (accepted for publication)
- VK Chattu, Sebastian Kevany. The need for Health Diplomacy in Health Security Operations. Health Promotion Perspectives 2019; (accepted for publication)
- VK Chattu, SoosannaKumary, David Warren Spence, Md. DilshadManzar, DeepaBurman, Seithikurippu R. Pandi-Perumal. Do disparities in sleep duration among racial and ethnic minorities contribute to differences in disease prevalence? Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 2019 (accepted)